Metroball Dodgeball has 7-inch foam dodgeballs and sports nets available for rent.
Payment is accepted via e-transfer or cash only. We are unable to accept credit cards or cheques.​
Rentals can be picked up from 675 Jolly Place on Thursday evenings or delivered within Greater Victoria/Capital Region for $30. Alternative pickup points available if discussed.

Dodgeball rental pricing varies by ball quality. All dodgeballs are 7-inch foam. Ball brand may differ from image shown.
Brand new dodgeballs - $20/ball per day
Previously used tournament dodgeballs - $5/ball per day
Heavily used warm-up dodgeballs - $40/bag (7 days)

Our sports nets come disassembled and are easy to transport.
All nets are 10' tall. Our nets come in 10' and 20' in length. We have four 10' net systems and eight 20' net systems.
Net rental pricing is $1.5/foot per day, discounts given for multi-net rentals.